1) Gene Bluestein (1943): Remembering

2) Yale Gerol (1943): The Manifesto of the Tennis Courts

3) Ellie Bluestein (1944): Remembering Edith Segal

4) Josef Bar-On (1945): I Pissed All Over Paul Robeson's Trousers

5) Joe Dorinson (1952): I Used to Walk With You

6) Barry Fireman (1955): The Raid (1953)

7) Edna Garte (1955): Pete Seeger’s Banjo Lesson

8) Edna Garte (1955): Another Pete Seeger Story

9) Edith Tarbescu (1955): COMMIE CAMP

10) Bobbie (Schneider) Rabinowitz (1957): The Kinderland Affair
     (Reprinted from the 75th anniversary reunion yearbook)

11) Mike Pevzner (1957): Ah, Kinderland

12) Fred Plotkin (1972): Rafter Ball

13) Ivy Meeropol(1984) CITY LORE; The Little Red Summer Camp

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